One thing you’ll notice about this page is the focus on family. As much as we’ll share about fashion/sports/food/clothing/shoes, my family will always trump those things. The braintrust and true talent behind this blog is my lovely wife, Laura. We are complete life partners in all aspects of life; faith, work, home, parenting, and even blogging. All we do, we do together. For some of you, that may seem like a bit much. But for some reason, she keeps me around, and we make it work. If nothing else I ever do in life is successful, I will still consider myself to be among the luckiest men to ever walk the face of the earth. Each day that I wake up to find her beside me is a tremendous blessing. I pray that I can honor her and lift her up through this blog while at the same time discovering ideas to help other men re-invest in there significant others. Secondly, our greatest blessing has come in the form of our two small children. Being a parent has been the most trying and exhausting endeavor I could ever imagine, but at the same time it gives us a glimpse of the love and adoration that the great Creator feels for us. The blessing of having an opportunity to invest in shaping the character of Lilly Claire Parkman (4) and Oliver Wells Parkman (2 almost 3) is the single most important thing we will do on this earth. All that being said, I plan on sharing these faces with you often. I hope they can make you smile 1/1000 as much as they make me smile.